Graphic designer and photographer based in Barcelona. Currently working at CBA Design, I am always eager to collaborate and to keep on learning, exploring visual language as a powerful tool that allow us not only to communicate, but to generate emotions, feelings and sensations, and to connect us one another.
The title of this publication is the date on which one of the deadliest eruptions in European history occurred; the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

This photobook is both an ode and an elegy. An ode to what lies behind the visible layers, and to discovery, and an elegy to the devastating and unstoppable power of natural catastrophes. The grain of the photographs, the scratches, the dirt and the rusty rings are intended to refer to the archaeological excavations, as if this same book was found buried underneath the ashes.

Editorial Design

The photobook hides photographs that can only be seen as a hole if the reader opens the rings that bind the book together.
The small photographs inside the publication are images of the discoveries of Pompeii, hiding behind big photographs of eruption.
Two different photographs of volcano eruptions are put together, creating a third photograph, an obscure abstraction of dark mountains and grey clouds.
There are some photographs that can only be seen if the reader open the rings that bind the photobook together. Here we can see three small photographs of some of Pompeii's great discoveries, their paintings and vases they used in their daily life.
The inside cover of the book is coated with gold leaf.